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chakra assessment

Chakras are complex organs, with many layers and different channels and ways of running energy.  As you're working with this Assessment, please keep in mind that chakras can rarely be described as simply "open" or "closed."  It's also helpful to think of your chakras as holding a record of all of your soul's lessons and experiences. The goal is never to "open" all your chakras or even to completely balance your energetic system. Rather, think of your energetic system as a constantly evolving representation of all your experiences. You will naturally move towards greater balance in your energetic system as you work with the lessons and experiences recorded in your chakras. This Assessment is a way to check in with your own system and receive guidance on where your soul work lies. 


Taking the Assessment


  1. ​Print the Chakra Assessment Diagram;

  2. Begin your Assessment by clicking on the link below. Record your answers on your Diagram. 







In each section of the Assessment, you'll find four areas:


  1. Healthy Functioning/Strengths - This section lists the strengths of the chakra and what its healthy functioning looks or feels like.  Record your strengths in the "Strengths" section of your Chakra Assessment Diagram.

  2. Historical Traumas - This section lists common experiences that may have contributed to a distortion of the way this chakra runs energy.  Record any historical traumas in the "Traumas" section of the Chakra Assessment Diagram.

  3. Physical Symptoms - This is where you can check if you're experiencing any of the physical issues associated with a distortion in this chakra. Record any symptoms you're experiencing in the "Body Symptoms" section of the Chakra Assessment Diagram.

  4. Too Much/Too Little? - This section offers you information on what it looks/feels like when this chakra is running too much or too little energy. Record these tendencies in the "Quantity of Energy" section of your Diagram.  Remember, that chakras have many layers and can run "too much" and "too little" energy in different layers. 


When your Assessment is complete, your Diagram will list all the strengths, traumas, physical symptoms and tendencies of your entire chakra system. This will give you a good sense of which chakras are working well and which are areas of potential growth. It's not necessary to complete your Assessment in one sitting.  If you need to return to your Assessment, simply click on the appropriate chakra link below.


To return to the Assessment for any chakra, just click on the appropriate mandala below:

Energy Flows Guide

Working with Your Chakra Assessment


Your completed Chakra Assessment Diagram is a tool that can help you explore your soul lessons and the places of potential growth.  Your Assessment Diagram should give you a good sense of where your strengths and challenges lie.


You can also look for general patterns, such as:

  • Displacement - too much energy running in the upper chakras and too little running in the lower chakras (or vice versa);

  • Splits - Three chakras running energy in a "too much - too little - too much" pattern (as an example, healthy functioning in the sacral and heart chakras, but little to no energy running in the solar plexus chakra = solar plexus split) ​


How Consciousness and Matter Interact Through Your Chakras

Continue working with the Chakra Cleanse breathing exercises, journaling exercises, meditations and affirmations for the chakras where there's the most potential for soul growth.  (If you have not already completed Chakra Cleanse, you can find information about it here.)


Please also consider my Chakra Deep Dive classes (coming soon), where we'll dive a little deeper into the healing potential and growth of each chakra. If you'd like one-on-one support, you can book an energetic healing session here.

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